In this report , Gavin Costigan (Chief Executive of the Foundation for Science and Technology) and Professor James Wilsdon (Director of the Research on Research Institute at the University of Sheffield) provide a guide to science, technology and innovation funding and policy in the UK, as at April 2021. The report includes new developments in the R&D landscape, including the Plan for Growth, the Integrated Review, ARIA, cuts to ODA spending and association with Horizon Europe, as well as setting out existing funding mechanisms through UKRI and overall levels of investment. This report was commissioned by the Japanese Embassy in London.

Costigan, G. and Wilsdon, J. (2021) UK science, technology and innovation policy after Brexit: priorities, ambitions and uncertainties. London: The Foundation for Science and Technology. April 2021.

DOI: 10.15131/

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UK science, technology & innovation policy after Brexit: priorities, ambitions & uncertainties

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