Technology, Innovation and Society contains papers read and articles by speakers at the Foundation's events where current issues of science, engineering and technology and their impact on society are discussed. The last published issue, Summer 2000, Volume 16, No 2 includes:

European Space Policy

Mme Claudie Andre Deshays
Dr Alain Bensoussan
Dr Colin Hicks

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The Environment Industry

The Lord Lewis of Newnham FRS
Mr John Waters
Mr Ed Gallagher FREng

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Biodiversity - who holds the keys?

Mr Graham Wynne
Dr Ed Barbier
Professor John Lawton CBE FRS

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Dr David White
Professor John Harris
The Rt Revd Lord Habgood

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1995, Issue 2, Summer

Competitiveness White Paper
Professor Howard Newby, Mr Terry Rhodes
Women in Science, Engineering and Technology
The Rt Hon David Hunt MBE MP, Mrs Linda Sharp, Mrs Marie-NoƩlle Barton, Mrs Betty Barratt, Dr Bridget M Ogilvie
Zuckerman Lecture
Monsieur Francois Fillon

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1995, Issue 3, Autumn

Bioethics and Public Opinion: Do they meet?
Professor PN Wilson, Professor The Reverend Michael Banner, Dr DJ Fisk
Innovative Manufacturing
Professor Sir Brian Follett, Professor Richard Brook, Mr Stewart Miller
Industry in Japan 1994 - What change?
Sir Geoffrey Allen, Mr T Kurachi
Progress In Computer-Assisted Legal Systems
The Rt Hon Lord Justice Neill, Mr Michael Huebner

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1996, Issue 2, Summer

What is the place of Maths and Science?
The Lord Henley, Professor Julia Higgins FRS, Mr Marin Tims
Public Awareness of Science and Technology
Dr RG Evans
Scientists and Public Opinion
Professor Lewis Wolpert CBE FRS, Sir John Egan
Learned Societies' Journals and the Internet
Professor Bernard Donovan
The future of Manufacturing
Dr RG Evans

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1996, Issue 3, Autumn

A forward look
Sir Robert May FRS, Mr John Parry MBE
Scientists and Public Opinion
Professor Robert M Worcester
A-levels and Qualifications
Sir Ron Dearing CB Hon FEng, Professor Alan Smithers
The Place of Pressure Groups
Mr John Spiers

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1996, Issue 4, Winter

Disposing of Radioactive Waste
Dr John Holmes, Professor Charles Curtis, Sir Francis Graham-Smith FRS
Investing in Growth Issues
Dr Bob Bishop, Mr Duncan Matthews
Human Genetics
Sir Giles Shaw MP, Dr Helen Watt

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1997, Issue 1, Spring

The German Scene
Cornelia Yzer MdB
Whence the Skilled Technician?
Mr Victor Lewis, Dr RG Evans
Partnership in Technology, USA Europe
Mr Peter Bloom, The Rt Hon The Lord Trefgarne PC

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1997, Issue 2, Summer

The Woolf Report and Information Technology
Mr Ian Burns CB
Business & Universities Growing together: what are the issues
Professor Charles Skene OBE
Sustainable Development
Mr FA Osbourn CB

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1997, Issue 4, Winter

IT - The Police & Society
Dr Craig Baker, Mr John Newing QPM, Mr Andrew Foster, Mr Jonathan Bamford
What after gas?
Sir Crispin Tickell GCMG KCVO, Mr Roger Rainbow
University Research: How should limited funds be deployed?
Professor Clive Booth, Professor Sir Brian Follett FRS
Priorities in Medical Research
Professor JD Swales MD FRCP, Dr James Niedel

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1998, Issue 1, Spring

Can we leave training to the Academic World?
Dr Michael Sanderson, Dr Nicholas Tate, Mr John Berkeley OBE
Gene Therapy - Can we afford it?
Professor Duncan M Geddes MD FRCP, Mr Nick Ross
A Food Agency for Britain?
Professor WPT James CBE FRSE, Mr Michael P MacKenzie
CO2 Emissions: Can the UK meet its Targets?
Mr Andrew Warren, Sir John Houghton CBE FRS & Ilga Nielsen, Dr Mary Archer

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1998, Issue 2, Summer

The Digital Race to the Home
Dr Alan Rudge CBE FRng FRS, Dr Abe Peled, Mr Huw Jones
Innovation - an example from Pilkington Optronics
Mr Graham Smart, Professor Frank Blackler
Discoveries in Space Research
Professor Sir Robert Wilson CBE FRS

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1998, Issue 3, Autumn

The Zuckerman Lecture
Madame Edith Cresson
IT in the Criminal Justice System
Mr Geoffrey Hoon MP, The Rt Hon Lord Justice Brooke
The Dearing Report and Research Base
Sir Richard Sykes DSc FRS, Professor David Watson, Professor Martin Harris
Success in Technology
Mr Gerald R Wilson CB

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1998, Issue 4, Winter

Lifelong Learning for an Industry Society Challenges?
Professor Mike Thorne and Helen Milner, Christopher Yapp
Science for Sustainable Development
Mr Roderick S Paul CBE, Dr Robin Bidwell
Challenges Facing Chemistry Higher Education
Dr Tom Inch
Innovation and Investment in R & D
Mr Cliff Hardcastle
Society - Keeping Pace with Science?
The Rt Revd Stephen Sykes

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1999, Issue 1, Spring

Devolution and Science
Mr Muir Russell, Dr Chris Masters FRSE, Professor Sir William Stewart FRS FRSE
Closer Irish/UK Collaboration in FP5
Mr Noel Treacy TD
Living and Working Space
Professor Martin Boddy, Mr Dave Hampton
The Third Age
Dr Peter Greenaway, Professor Peter Lansley
Exploiting Research
Professor Roger Needham FEng FRS, Mr Simon Anderson

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1999, Issue 2, Summer

The Third Age
Professor Anthea Tinker
Energy Policy and Future Trends
The Hon Anna Walker, Dr Eoin Lees
Engineering and World Poverty
Mr John Lane

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1999, Issue 3, Autumn

The Sixth Zuckerman Lecture
Dr Neal Lane
Science & Food in the 21st Century
Professor Alan Gray, Professor Derek Burke CBE DL
Nuclear Waste - Past or Future?
The Lord Tombs FREng, Mr Peter Beck
How Interdisciplinary is the Science Base?
The Earl of Selborne KBE FRS, Professor Burton Richter
Postgraduate Education for UK plc
Dr David Clark

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Technology, Innovation and Society 1999, Issue 4, Winter

Mobility in the Future
Mr David Fisk CB FEng, Professor Stephen Glaister CBE
Quality of Life for the Millennium Consumer
Mr David Hatch CBE JP
Seeking Consensus on Contentious Issues
Dr Gunnar Bengtsson, Professor Robert M Worcester

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Technology, Innovation and Society 2000, Issue 1, Spring

Routes of Excellence in HE
Professor John Sizer CBE, Dr Alan Rudge CBE FREng FRS
IT and the Health Service
Dr Jeremy Wyatt
Protection of Know-How
Dr Ron Coleman CB, Professor John Adams
Railways in the Next Decade
Sir Alastair Morton, Dr Peter Watson OBE FREng
Rethinking Risk
Dr Andy Stirling

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Technology, Innovation and Society 2000, Issue 2, Summer

A Crisis in Scientific Education?
Professor Robin Millar, Dame Tamsyn Imison
European Space Policy
Mme Claudie Andre-Deshays, Dr Colin Hicks
The Environment Industry
The Lord Lewis of Newnham, Eur Ing John Waters BSc CEng MICE MCIWEM, Mr Ed Gallagher
Biodiversity - Who holds the keys?
Synopsis of presentation by Mr Graham Wynne
Professor John Harris

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Volume 23 - Issue 8
The Journal for the Foundation for Science and Technology. This edition explores Artificial Intelligence and how the UK is leading the way with its regulatory plans. Nuclear Fusion; how it works and where the UK sits in the picture and the scale up of deep tech business in the UK. We also have new Foundation news pages with updates on what is going on elsewhere in the organisation.