How can international research be mobilised to drive down the cost of renewables, storage and smart grids to achieve parity with coal fired electricity generation?

  • July 8, 2015
  • Dinner, Discussion
Debate summary (101.2KB)
Sir David King ScD FRS HonFREng
The Foreign Secretary's Special Represenative for Climate Change, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Dr Bernie Bulkin
Director, Ludgate Investments Limited
Ed Heartney
Environment, Science, Technology and Health Counsellor, Embassy of the United States of America in London
Sir Colin Humphreys FREng FRS [Panellist]
Department of Materials Science, University of Cambridge

Atkins, the John Browne Charitable Trust, the Michael John Trust and the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851

This discussion appeared in the FST journal below.

This issue of FST Journal has reports of debates on the Ebola outbreak, science and values, the Haldane principle, environmental research and renewable energy.

Volume 21, Issue 6