The future of clinical trials regulation in a post-Brexit UK

  • April 30, 2021 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Discussion
  • Online
The future of clinical trials regulation in a post-Brexit UK
Debate summary (185.3KB)

On 30th April 2021, the Foundation for Science and Technology and Silence Therapeutics convened a Round Table with representatives from government, parliament, the scientific community, patient groups and industry to discuss the future of clinical trials and their regulation in a post-Brexit UK, and in particular the opportunity to make best use of the UK’s capabilities in early-phase clinical research. Participants in the discussion included representatives from the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), the Office for Life Sciences (OLS), the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Oxford University, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Cancer Research UK. 

The participants discussed the challenges faced by early-stage clinical research in the UK, and then identified some recommendations for government. These included:

  • the need for Government Road Maps to address the challengfes faced by early-stage research
  • long term funding
  • a focus on the benefits of a risk-based approach for fast tracking potentially life-saving treatments
  • delivering innovative treatments at pace for patients with rare disease
  • protecting its pipeline of healthcare practitioners trained in trial delivery  

The full report of the Round Table with the recommendations is available here.

For further information about this event, or if you are interested in joining further discussions on this subject,  please contact Gavin Costigan at the Foundation for Science and Technology (