Volume 22 - Issue 1

  • July 2017


Professor Robin Grimes: Putting science into diplomacy

Implementing an industrial strategy for the UK

Professor Graeme Reid: What constitutes an effective industrial strategy for the UK?
Dame Ann Dowling: A bold vision is needed for our industrial future
Andrew Barker: The practical aspects
Anthony Lilley: Bridging the old divides

The challenge of raising skills levels

Sir Mark Walport: Lifting skills to meet the needs of society and the economy
Sir Adrian Smith: The fundamental role of mathematics
Dame Judith Hackitt: The view from manufacturing industry

Creating smart cities

Lord Mair: Taking a smart approach to 21st century infrastructure
Dr Tom Saunders: Engaging the citizen in policy making for cities
Cllr Peter Marland: The smart city as a place for communities to thrive

The impact of demographic and medical trends on society

Professor Chris Whitty: The challenges facing the UK’s health and social care systems
Sir Robert Lechler: Addressing the challenges to health and social care Professor
Marcel Levi: Focussing our efforts on patient needs

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