Podcasts and Blogs

Among the sections on the Foundation’s website are the regularly updated podcasts and blogs. These cover a wide range of topics touching on science, technology and innovation. A number of them expand on the discussions that take place in the main Foundation meetings – and these are detailed in the relevant sections of this issue. Other recent postings are listed here.

Recent podcast and blogs



  • Chloe Davis - Will your energy bills go down with nuclear energy production?
  • Indro Mukerjee - Building the Future Economy
  • Jules Payne - Putting patients at the heart of early-phase clinical trials
  • Daniel Swerdlow - Improving clinical trial success by optimising patient selection – how can UK healthcare data resources help?
  • Sir Gordon Duff - A scientific superpower: harnessing the UK’s early-phase research capabilities
  • Keyne Walker - Systems thinking: the key to getting net zero right
  • Dr Tom Dolan - National Infrastructure – A Globally Significant Leverage Point for a Sustainable, Resilient, Net Zero Futureext