The Foundation organises events on key topics in science, research, technology or innovation, bringing together parliamentarians, civil servants, industrialists, researchers, learned societies, charities and others. Those events focus in particular on areas where there are policy decisions needed, which in turn need to be informed by this wide range of inputs and viewpoints. Summary reports are prepared for all events, and these - along with presentation slides, videos of speakers and audio files - are available online after events.


Building Careers and Skills in Science and Technology for National and Global Challenges

Building Careers and Skills in Science and Technology for National and Global Challenges
  • 2024
  • The Exchange, University of Birmingham, and online

This is the annual conference organised by the Foundation targeted at early- to mid-career professionals, drawn from the civil and public sectors, from industry and from the research community. In this event, we will discuss careers in S&T, international collaboration in science, and how S&T can feed into the new Labour government's 5 missions.

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Should R&D policies and budgets be devolved to English Regions?

Should R&D policies and budgets be devolved to English Regions?
  • 2024
  • The Spine Building, Liverpool, and Online

There is clear evidence of a link between R&D and economic output in different geographical areas, and increasingly, English regions are developing plans for economic development based on their own circumstances and the industries and skills in their regions. At this meeting, we will explore these issues and the advantages and disadvantages of potential further devolution.

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In Conversation with Professor Dame Angela McLean

In Conversation with Professor Dame Angela McLean
  • 2024
  • The Royal Society and online

In this event, Professor Dame Angela McLean DBE FRS will be in conversation with Rt Hon Lord (David) Willetts, Chair of the Foundation for Science and Technology. Professor McLean is the Government Chief Scientific Adviser, a role that she has held since April 2023. She is also Head of the Government Science and Engineering Profession. Professor McLean and Lord Willetts will discuss a range of topics from the challenges of providing science advice, the role of the science and engineering in the civil service, working with ministers and civil servants and more. There will also be an extended period of questions from the floor.

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Quantum Technologies – from research to reality

Quantum Technologies – from research to reality
  • 2024
  • University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

The UK has huge research strengths in quantum technologies and a burgeoning quantum start-up ecosystem. Whilst some potential uses of quantum technologies are still some way from commercialisation, others are right here. The previous government had quantum technologies on its list of critical technologies for the UK, and has sought to build UK capability. Quantum technologies have a potential role to play in both national security and in civil society, as well as the commercial opportunities. And the Royal Academy of Engineering recently completed a major review of quantum infrastructure needs in the UK. At this meeting, we will explore where the UK currently sits in quantum technology, and what is needed to transition from research into real world applications, both in the public and private sector. What more is needed in terms of policy and funding from the UK government, UKRI and others? And given the strength of quantum technology companies in Scotland, how can the Scottish Government complement any UK activity to support companies and universities in Scotland.

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Safeguarding trust in science – the role of research integrity

Safeguarding trust in science – the role of research integrity
  • 2024
  • The Royal Society and online

Excellent research is carried out in the UK across higher education, government, private and third sector, national research laboratories. Research integrity underpins trust in the excellence of our national and global science base. Research that has integrity is carried out in a way that is trustworthy, rigorous, ethical and responsible, which includes rigour and openness. Research that is carried out with poor integrity is not high quality and impacts can be harmful rather than beneficial. High-profile challenges in research integrity include intentional misconduct and concern about credibility of scientific publications, including concerns related to new technologies and organised fraudulent practice. But these global debates don’t necessarily reflect the robust health of UK research. What is the situation in UK research? How can the credibility of UK research in all sectors be bolstered? What are the next steps that the research ecosystem needs to take to safeguard trust in its work?

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A Roundatable on critical technologies

A Roundatable on critical technologies
  • 2024
  • Royal Academy of Engineering

The Foundation for Science and Technology and the Royal Academy of Engineering organised a joint roundtable discussion to explore critical technologies.

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Science, Innovation and Technology - General Election Hustings

Science, Innovation and Technology - General Election Hustings

Representatives for the major political parties answered questions about science, technology and innovation. The event was jointly organised by the Campaign for Science and Engineering, the Foundation for Science and Technology and the four National Academies – the Academy for Medical Sciences, the British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society. The event was streamed live from the Royal Society on Wednesday 19 June from 6.30pm-8pm and was chaired by a leading science journalist. Representatives from the major political parties were invited to outline the policies that their party will be putting forward to support science, innovation and technology at the forthcoming General Election. There was also a Q&A, including questions from the chair and the audience.

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The Role of UK National Laboratories

The Role of UK National Laboratories
  • 2024
  • The Royal Society and online

The UK has a range of national laboratories, which have a number of different roles within the national science and technology ecosystem. These include the provision of large scale research facilities and related scientific expertise, supporting regulation and standards, curation of key scientific assets, protection of national infrastructure and the natural environment, and the provision of advice to government and regulators. These different national research laboratories have different governance models, often driven by history rather than design, and are funded from a mixture of public and private funding, with public funding from both within and outside of the science budget. Recent reviews by both Sir Paul Nurse and Sir Patrick Vallance have considered the role of these facilities, and whether the UK is making the best use of them. In this event, we will explore the breadth of national laboratories within the UK, and how any incoming government can make the best uses of them in the years ahead.

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Critical Minerals – how can science and technology help deliver the UK Strategy?

Critical Minerals – how can science and technology help deliver the UK Strategy?
  • 2024
  • Debate, Discussion
  • The Geological Society


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Empowerment and Ethics at the Edge: the Benefits and Risks of Edge Technologies

Empowerment and Ethics at the Edge: the Benefits and Risks of Edge Technologies
  • 2024
  • Debate, Discussion
  • The Royal Society and online

The shift towards citizen-centric edge technologies like AI enhances lives like never before. From personalized adviser apps on smartphones to applications in personalised medicine, these edge technologies promise transformative potential, but with those benefits come new threats and risks. Organised in collaboration with The PETRAS National Centre of Excellence, this event will explore how technologies at the edge can revolutionise citizens’ experiences, while ensuring ethical and security considerations remain at the forefront. The discussion will illuminate the benefits and risks of this technological evolution, and how to ensure a balanced perspective that prioritises the well-being of citizens. We hope that you can join us to explore the gradual migration of AI to the Edge and its profound implications for society.

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