In the FST podcast, weekly one to one interviews allow a more in depth discussion of both topics being explored in Foundation events, and one-off discussions with senior figures across science, research, technology and innovation. It's available here, and can also be accessed on the main podcast hosting platforms.
We would welcome ideas for potential podcast topics or interviewees - please contact Gavin Costigan (
In this podcast, Professor Rebecca Lunn, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Strathclyde discusses a systems Approach to Net Zero and the National Engineering Policy Centre working group on this issue.
Louise Sanger, Applied Research and Outreach Manager, Lloyd’s Register Foundation, and a member of the FST's Foundation Future Leaders Programme discusses the Hindsight Perspectives project, including: the importance to safety of using hindsight and potential priorities in the maritime industry.
Dr Alex Brogan, Lecturer in Chemistry at King’s College London, and a member of the Foundation for Science and Technology’s Foundation Future Leaders scheme discusses new biotechnologies for sustainable manufacturing, including how biotechnologies can contribute to sustainability and industries with the greatest impact.
In this podcast, Professor Keith Bell, Scottish Power Professor of Smart Grids at the University of Strathclyde, discusses the changes needed in different interacting systems in order to get to net zero greenhouse gas emissions - including power generation, transport and buildings.
In this podcast, Isabelle Boscaro-Clarke (Diamond Light Source) and Neil Brown (Technopolis) discuss the socio-economic impacts of the Diamond Synchrotron, and a new report published on 26 May, including scientific, technological and societal impacts.
In this podcast, Professor Yadvinder Malhi, Professor of Ecosystems Services, University of Oxford, discusses G7 Science Academies statement on biodiversity loss, including processes for valuing and accounting for biodiversity, and the UN Biodiversity COP15 meeting.
Sarah Chaytor, Director of Research Strategy and Policy, UCL, Grace Gottlieb, Head of Research Policy, UCL, and Graeme Reid, Chair of Science and Research Policy, UCL, authors of a HEPI report on Regional policy and R&D discuss R&D in different regions of the UK, how to measure it, and future policy in this area.
Find the full report here:
Dr Stephanie Wray, Director of Nature Positive and former President of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management discusses the UN Convention on Biodiversity and upcoming Biodiversity COP, and actions and policies needed in the UK.
In this podcast Professor Dame Wendy Hall DBE FRS FREng, Regius Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southampton and a member of the AI Council, discusses developing an AI Strategy for the UK, including funding in R&D, skills development, and trust in AI systems.
In this podcast Maria Tazi, Missions Publiques, discusses the “We the Internet” project, in which people in 80 countries were consulted about their views on the internet, how it should be regulated, disinformation, artificial intelligence and data. A report of the findings can be found here: