In the FST podcast, weekly one to one interviews allow a more in depth discussion of both topics being explored in Foundation events, and one-off discussions with senior figures across science, research, technology and innovation. It's available here, and can also be accessed on the main podcast hosting platforms.

We would welcome ideas for potential podcast topics or interviewees - please contact Gavin Costigan (

Rachel Coldicutt - UK ARPA

In this podcast Rachel Coldicutt, Director of Careful Industries discusses the proposal for a UK version of “ARPA” (Advanced Research Projects Agency).

Phil Smith - UK ARPA

In the first podcast of 2021 Phil Smith, Chairman of IQE and former CEO and Chair of CISCO UK discusses plans to develop a “UK ARPA”. Including why its needed, difference in innovation culture between UK and USA, and what success would like like.

Julia Pyke - Prodution of Hydrogen from nuclear reactors

In this podcast, Julia Pyke, Director of Sizewell C Financing & Economic Regulation, discusses production of hydrogen in nuclear power stations, especially Sizewell C, and the development of UK nuclear over the next few years.

Dr Robert Hoyle - Medical Radioisotopes

In this podcast, Dr Robert Hoyle, Head of Science, Welsh Government Office for Science, discusses medical isotopes; what they are, how they are produced, and the possibility of building an experimental nuclear reactor in the UK to produce them.

Paul Feldman - Online teaching in higher education

In this podcast, Paul Feldman, Chief Executive, JISC discusses online teaching and learning in higher education including how universities have adapted during the pandemic and the long term implications for higher education.

Professor Tansy Jessop - Online higher education

In this podcast, Professor Tansy Jessop, Pro Vice-Chancellor, University of Bristol, discusses online teaching and learning in universities, including the question of what does high quality look like, student outcomes, and the wider student experience.

Stephanie Smith - Research policy

In this podcast, Stephanie Smith, Head of Policy for Research & International, Russell Group, discusses UK research policy, levelling up R&D expenditure, and the contribution of the UK research to tackling coronavirus.

Priya Guha - the innovation ecosystem and UKRI

In this podcast, Priya Guha, Venture Partner, Merian Ventures and a Council Member of Innovate UK, discusses the UK innovation system, scale-ups and ensuring the innovation system is inclusive.

Lizzie Crowley - Skills resilience

In this podcast, Lizzie Crowley, Senior Skills Advisor, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), discusses workplace skills and how they are changing, including human skills and life long learning.

Professor Gerry McKenna - R&D in Northern Ireland

In this podcast, Professor Gerry McKenna, Senior Vice-President, Royal Irish Academy, discusses R&D in Northern Ireland, including levelling up and the R&D roadmap, and EU Structural funds and implications of Brexit.