We welcome blogs on issues across Science, Technology, Research and Innovation, and on the activities of the Foundation. To publish a blog on this site, please email Gavin Costigan (gavin.costigan@foundation.org.uk).

Note: The Foundation for Science and Technology is strictly neutral. Any views expressed in these blogs are those of the authors and not of the Foundation.

What is the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Lithium-ion Battery Manufacturing During the Transition to NetZero?

The transition to NetZero is a hot topic, expected to happen in the UK some time before 2050. Mona Faraji Niri discusses the potential of using artificial intelligence to accelerate this transition by facilitating lithium-ion battery manufacturing.

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University Technical Colleges – Educating today’s young people for tomorrow's careers

In this blog, Simon Connell, Chief Executive of Baker Dearing Educational Trust, presents University Technical Colleges and their growing place in education.

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Unlocking Hardtech

in this blog, Dr Amy Nommeots-Nomm from Octopus Ventures discusses the challenges of unlocking innovation finance to deliver on the potential of Hardtech.

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Lack of Representation of Black and Ethnic Minorites in the Commercial Science Industry

The social enterprise African-Caribbean Commercial Science Network (ACCSN) seeks to raise the profile of black and ethnic minorities in commercial science by supporting the development of aspiring and current professionals in the industry while providing a space through which they can thrive together. It achieves this by focussing its work upon 5 target points discussed in this blog.

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How do you fix a leaky pipeline? Improving conditions for Black researchers

Science and technology are suffering from a huge problem. One that it is starting to acknowledge but has not really comprehended the scale of the issue and the pace of change required to fix it. The UK government has a grand plan to strengthen the UK’s position as a global science and technology superpower, but for who? Dr Faith Uwadiae discusses science and technology for black researchers.

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Why we must change perceptions of engineering: the case for National Engineering Day

In 2022, 'National Engineering Day' is held on the 2nd November as a celebration for the impact of engineering and engineers. In this blog, Joe Trigg (Director of Communications and Engagement at the Royal Academy of Engineering) discusses the significance of day, the importance of engineering globally and the limitations faced by the field.

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COP 27: A Preview

In this blog, Alyssa Gilbert, Director of Policy & Translation at the Grantham Institute, Imperial College, previews the COP27 climate change meeting, which is being held in Sharm El Sheikh in November 2022, and the possibility of progress in climate finance, adaptation and loss & damage.

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Delivering a UK Science and Technology Strategy

On 4th August 2022, the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee published a report "Science and technology superpower": more than a slogan? In this blog, Lord Holmes of Richmond sets out some of the key findings and recommendations.

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A personal message to Science and Technology Future Leaders

In this blog, Dr Carlanne Stone outlines the experience of taking part in the 2021 Foundation Future Leaders scheme - and encourages others to apply for next year.

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Will your energy bills go down with nuclear energy production?

In this blog, Chloe Davies discusses the Nuclear Energy Regulated Asset Base model introduced by the Government, what this means for energy bills and for achieving Net Zero emissions.

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