We welcome blogs on issues across Science, Technology, Research and Innovation, and on the activities of the Foundation. To publish a blog on this site, please email Gavin Costigan (gavin.costigan@foundation.org.uk).

Note: The Foundation for Science and Technology is strictly neutral. Any views expressed in these blogs are those of the authors and not of the Foundation.

Is lockdown bad for children's mental health?

Lockdown doesn't just effect physical health, but mental health too. Professor Helen Dodd explores the consequences of lockdown on children's mental health, and how to encourage play at home.

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Time waits for no-one: mitigating climate change through solar geoengineering

Scientists have been working on solar geoengineering technologies that could mitigate some of the effects of climate change, but these technologies come at a cost. Alana Cullen discusses the benefits and issues of geoengineering as a tool in climate mitigation.

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We need a more sustainable and healthy food system – but how?

The need for a sustainable and healthy food system is becoming more urgent. Francessca Harris and Amy Thomas discuss the possiblilty of turning to a plantetary health diet as the place to start.

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Stimulating a post-COVID-19 economic recovery: a critical chance to rebuild towards a more sustainable Britain

Government currently face a critical opportunity to build up a greener, stronger, and more resillient economy. Dr Ajay Gambhir discusses a roadmap for green economic recovery.

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How good has the WFH revolution been for the climate?

Is working from home sustainable in the long-term? Stuart Neaverson discusses the benefits and disadvantages of working from home, focusing on its impact on our carbon footprint.

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The Impact of Climate Change on Businesses and What You Can Do To Prepare

What can companies do to prepare for and reduce the impacts of climate change? Piers Moore-Ede discusses the steps buisnesses can take to help contribute to lowering carbon emissions.

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Listen to the Canaries

What are the warning signs of a future crisis? Tom Burke discusses the importance of stopping and listening to the canaries in order to reduce the impact of climate change, before it is too late.

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Nature shows her true colours thanks to COVID-19

What action does the environment sector need to take to maintain the lowered carbon emissions witnessed during the Covid-19 lockdown? Max Wade writes about the action that must be taken now, to reduce the harmful effects of climate change.

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COP26, climate change and the lesson from COVID-19

What is the lesson to be learnt from COVID-19 to take forward to help tackle climate change? Martin Siegert and Joeri Rogelj discuss the required UK strategy for COP26 in order to limit the damage climate change has already caused.

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Communicating climate change during the coronavirus crisis – what the evidence says

How should we communicate the climate change crisis during the time of another crisis? Robin Webster discusses the importance of speaking to people's values and tailoring communications to different audiences in climate engagement.

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